1933 King Kong Camera
 The Crown Jewel of King Kong Memorabilia



I will try to explain how rare this camera is let alone the fact that it shot King Kong. This camera is a real treat because it has managed to survive with all the effects wheels and mechanisms originally built in at the factory. There are binoculars and key hole and ovals of all types and shapes. There is an iris behind the lens that can be closed down while the camera is running. The iris can be placed anywhere in the frame so one can iris down to feature just the star actor or an important story line object. Almost all Mitchell Standards have had these removed.

Having a High Speed Mitchell Standard with these effects items still intact is so very rare. Most Mitchell cameras had such long careers that they were modernized and upgraded more than once. The camera body containing the movement was such a wonderfully precise mechanical diamond that they were used by many companies as the basis for building modern reflexed cameras. Fries Engineering took hundreds of Mitchell cameras and converted them to modern use. They machined off the front of the camera, put a modern lens mount, reflex spinning mirror shutter and a digitally  controlled  motor. The first PanaVision cameras were Mitchells that were upgraded to meet industry's modern demands. Many, many Mitchells were converted over to title work and to animation. It is extremely rare to find a Mitchell Standard in factory original condition. There can only be a few like this one left.

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